Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The boys turned 4 on July 2nd!  This is really the first year that they really understood what a birthday meant - presents and a big party!  Unfortunately, we decided not to do a big party since Ms. Hildy will do a big party in August when the boys go back to school.  So instead, we tried to do several smaller "parties" but they still didn't really get it.  

On their actual birthday, we went with Holi and "the girls" (Kira, Lena and Naia) to paint pottery.  The boys got to pick what they painted - Hunter picked a dinosaur (I knew it would be either that or a race car) and Harrison picked a big bug.  They were so serious but didn't really understand that the colors weren't the "right" colors.  I think Harrison's will be mostly brown and Hunter's will have quite a few white spots but that's okay, they enjoyed it. 

On the 4th, we went to Holi and Britt's again.  We swam and did fireworks and had birthday cake.  I really was not happy with how the cakes came out but the boys liked them.  Hunter actually got very territorial about his cake.  He DID NOT want to share it and started crying when I cut it.  He finally settled down when Dave and Britt took him to start the fireworks while everyone else finished their cake.  It was a fun day!

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