Monday, January 21, 2013


We had several Christmas celebrations this year.  We did Christmas at Thanksgiving with Grandma Sharon, Papaw and Aunt Deidra, Uncle Brian, Avery and Zander.  Christmas Eve, we were at Tami's with her parents and Ginny's family.  Christmas morning, Santa came and we opened all the presents that Grandma Fosler, Uncle Dean, Aunt Laura and Uncle Larry's family sent.  Then we went to Ginny's house for Christmas dinner.  It was a busy few days but it was lots of fun.

                                         Palo Duro Canyon at Thanksgiving.  This is as
                                             close as we get to a family picture.                                           

                                         Cousins:  Harrison, Zander and Hunter

                                         Christmas with Grandma Sharon and Papaw

                                         Christmas pirates?  Or Superheroes?

                                         All dressed up for Christmas Eve church service.

                                         Santa brought Harrison a "big brown castle." 

                                         Santa brought Hunter a "dinosaur castle."

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