Sunday, February 3, 2013


It was a BEAUTIFUL weekend - about 75 and very little humidity.  It was a perfect weekend to be outside and we were - A LOT!  Saturday afternoon we went to a 4th birthday party for Livvy and Mia who we met through the Multiples Club when all the kids were babies.  The party was at a little "farm" outside of Houston.  There was so much stuff for the kids to do - pony rides (which the boys would not do), lots of tractors to ride, a train, animals, a play set, sandboxes and so much more.  Of course with all the stuff there was to do, where did the boys spend most of their time?  On the play set and the sandbox.  Oh well, they had a great time. 

After naps, we were outside the rest of the afternoon.  Dave worked on our deck project and the boys played in the sandbox.  After supper, Dave built a fire and let the boys roast marshmallows.  Their favorite part was blowing on the marshmallows after they caught on fire.  Harrison ate a couple but Hunter pretty much just ate the raw ones. 

Sunday morning was another beautiful day so we headed to Brazos Bend State Park to see if we could see any aligators.  We walked around one of the lakes there and saw a bunch.  A couple were a little too close to the path for my liking so we walked quickly past those.  The boys had more fun climbing on the fallen trees and playing on the playground than they did looking at the aligators. 

Yes, that is an aligator right by the trail!

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