Friday, April 5, 2013


Our Easter festivities started on Good Friday with our 3rd annual egg dying party at Tami's house with Tami, Ginny and Peyton.  Hunter would come to the table and dye a couple, then go play with his racecars.  Harrison would only make orange eggs.  He finally let Peyton use the orange once but then went right back to making his orange eggs. 



On Saturday, we went to our church for their annual Easter Egg hunt.  Harrison again got only orange eggs.

                                    Hunting for eggs is hard work

After church on Sunday, we came home to see what the Easter Bunny had brought.  He brought robot t-shirts, a chocolate bunny and some puzzles.  After lunch, we had our final egg hunt of the season in the backyard.  Hunter had all racecar eggs and Harrison had chick eggs and a few orange ones thrown in. 

                                                          Ready for church. 

                                          This is the closest we can get to a good picture of them together.

                                                         Look at all my racecar eggs!

                                                              I got a lot too!

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